Digital Mammography

Digital Mammography

Digital Mammography Device of the latest technology of a low radiation dose and of high resolution

The Diagnostic Center “ASKLIPIOS” giving emphasis to the technological development and quality of Mammography, has installed a Digital Mammography Scanner of cutting-edge technology of a low radiation dose and of high resolution, which has been awarded as the most painless Mammography Device.

Mammography is a dual-view X-ray of the breasts, the craniocaudal view and the mediolateral oblique view. It is deemed as the “golden” method of choice, aiming at the early diagnosis of breast cancer and the detection of benign lesions. It must be performed by specialized personnel, aiming at the technically optimal imaging of the breasts.

One of its most important advantages is the detection of non-palpable lesions (pre-clinical state) and the in situ detection of lesions in the form of micro-calcifications, of a mass with microcalcifications or with disorders in the architecture, aiming at the treatment of patients with extraordinary results, for which it would not be an exaggeration to say that total healing is achieved.

This imaging method, has a high diagnostic sensitivity, and its diagnostic accuracy exceeds 90%. In young women, women of high risk and women with a high mammography breast density (ACR C, ACR D) a complementary ultrasound test must be performed. It is proven in the relevant bibliography that the advantages outweigh the risks.

The following tests are performed at the center

  • Digital mammography for women
  • Digital mammography for men
  • Localization Digital Mammography
  • Localization of non-palpable lesions and microcalcifications with image-guided needle localization mammography.
  • Magnified digital Mammography

Before scheduling any test or examination it is necessary that you know that:

  • You need to present previous mammograms and their diagnoses so that a comparison can be performed.
  • You need to wear loose (comfortable) clothes.

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