
Prenatal Testing

Prenatal Testing

Below are listed the basic tests that can be performed at the Microbiology Department of our diagnostic center “Asklipios” and which a woman that wishes to get pregnant must undergo. They are essentially preventive examinations, aiming at the early diagnosis of a possible problem in the woman’s health, so that it can be treated, before entering the process of pregnancy.
  • Complete Blood Count: the hematological data are checked (Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, White Blood Cells (WBCs), etc.) and shows the possible existence of anemia or some other blood disease that must be promptly treated.
  • Urinalysis: Good kidney function as well as the existence of some infection, such as urinary tract infection, that must be treated with medication.
  • Blood Sugar: it is a very important test that shows the existence or the predisposition to develop diabetes mellitus.
  • Urea: the good function of kidneys is examined, as the kidneys are organs that overfunction during pregnancy.
  • Serum Iron and Ferritin: a possible iron deficiency can be found, which is a usual condition in pregnancy, so that the necessary supplements are administered, if needed.
  • Blood Group and Rhesus: the blood group is important in the case where blood transfusion is needed. If the mother is Rhesus negative and the father is Rhesus positive, there may be a blood group incompatibility between mother and foetus. In this case, a monthly check should be performed through an Indirect Coombs Test, in order to avoid possible complications.
  • Hemoglobin Electrophoresis and Sickle Cell Test: it is a check for the existence of thalassemia trait and sickle cell trait respectively. In the case where the test is positive, the father must be also checked, in order to find out if he also has a trait. In this case, the foetus must be checked through additional tests and examinations.
  • CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Antibodies IgG & IgM: it is a very dangerous virus for the foetus if the latter is infected, which can cause damages to the liver, the vascular system, the nervous system, the kidneys, the bone marrow and the adrenals.
  • Rubella Antibodies IgG & IgM: the immunity to rubella of the mother is checked, so that a vaccination is performed and contact with affected persons is avoided. The infection of the pregnant woman by the Virus in the first three months of pregnancy causes very serious damages to the foetus, such as deafness, eye damages, cardiac damages and mental disabilities.
  • Toxoplasma Antibodies IgG & IgM: the immunity of the mother to toxoplasma is checked. Toxoplasma is a parasite that can cause from serious damages to the foetus (chorioretinitis, mental retardation, epilepsy, etc.) to miscarriage
  • HBsAg (Australia Antigen): check for Hepatitis Β. If the mother is found positive, the immediate immunization of the newborn must be performed immediately after childbirth.
  • anti-HCV: check for a possible infection by the Hepatitis C virus.
  • HIV I & II: it is the virus that causes the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The virus can infect the foetus either during gestation or in childbirth. The infection of the mother by HIV requires special treatment so that the risk of materno-fetal transmission is minimized.
  • VDRL: check for a possible infection by the bacteria of syphilis, so that the appropriate medication is promptly administered.
  • G6PD: the enzyme deficiency can cause hemolytic anemia if there is contact with some medicines, substances or foods (such as broad beans, naphthalene)
  • Mycoplasma: a bacterium that, if it is not promptly treated, can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
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