Body fat measurement is a method with which the Adipose, Muscle and Bone Tissue can be determined with high reliability and in detail, in every area of the body.
The common body fat measurement methods (conductivity method, based on the ΒΜΙ, scales, etc.) are based on assessments with a large margin of error and without the possibility of separation of the elements of the body.
“ASKLIPIOS DIAGNOSIS” has the capacity to perform body fat measurement with the DEXA Method (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry). Apart from the test for the measurement of bone density, where the DEXA method is already applied, the same method has been recently applied in the test of adipose (fat) tissue measurement. With this method, the composition of the entire human body is analyzed with dual energy X-rays, and, moreover, with minimized radiation, which is equal to only 1/10 of the radiation that is received from a chest X-ray.
The test includes the measurement of body fat as well as, separately, of the non-adipose tissue (muscles, water, connective tissue) as well as the assessment, in an objective way, of the distribution of fat in the body.
Why body fat measurement with the DEXA method?
- It is the Reference Method compared to all other known methods until now.
- The measurement of Adipose and non-Adipose tissue is direct and not indirect.
- It offers information about the distribution of the Adipose tissue per body region.
- It classifies the Body Type to gynoid or android, giving important information regarding the prevention of diseases.
- It controls the development of the distribution index of Adipose (fat) and Muscle tissue after the completion of a diet and exercise program.
- It offers the opportunity to specialists to determine the ideal weight and the basal metabolic rate so that the diet and exercise program is properly specialized.
- Muscle atrophy is assessed after a disease or injury.
- It offers the opportunity to create a focused exercise program for the strengthening of specific anatomical regions, especially for athletes.
The test lasts only a few minutes and there is a minor radiation dose. At our Center there is the possibility of automatic comparison in every re-examination with the previous one, and thus every possible differentiation can be observed.