
Rhythm Holter

Rhythm Holter

It is the recording of Electrocardiograms for a long time period, 24 to 72 hours with modern devices that are available today. This particular device, of a size of 2-3 centimeters, stores through 3 to 6 electrodes the electrocardiogram for the period it is connected. The examination of the Electrocardiograms is performed after the Holter is removed, with the use of a specific program.

The purpose of this recording is to find out if there are possible disorders of the normal heart rhythm, known as phlebotomic rhythm and the study of these disorders that are called tachycardias (supraventricular or ventricular), arrhythmias, extrasystoles (supraventricular or ventricular), pauses or serious bradycardias. It is an examination that is necessary in cases of tachycardias and syncope and presyncope episodes.

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