It is a stress test on a treadmill or on a stationary bicycle not only with a modern recording of the electrocardiogram, as in the case of the simple stress test, but also with the full control of the exchange of respiratory gases both at rest and during the stress test.
This test is necessary for the differential diagnosis between various cardiac and respiratory diseases. It is necessary for the proper preparation of the rehabilitation protocol both in cardiac and respiratory patients. It is the most appropriate method for the proper recording of the problem, and consists also the necessary basis for the preparation of any athletic reactivation program.
Furthermore, the cardiopulmonary exercise test, giving the opportunity to record parameters, such as the basal metabolism, as well as the maximum oxygen consumption and the aerobic and anaerobic threshold, the maximum speed at the anaerobic threshold and the maximum oxygen consumption, consists a necessary test for the more appropriate preparation of training programs for high level athletes.