Diabetes Mellitus is a multifactorial chronically evolving disease with vascular complications. It has reached epidemic proportions despite the fact that it is not a communicable disease and consists a global threat that concerns the World Health Organization.
It is characterized by a disorder of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which is due to the full or partial lack of insulin. The insulin disorder leads to the increase of the blood glucose levels.
Personalization – Updating – Cooperation – Early diagnosis – Prevention – Holistic treatment
At the diagnostic center Asklipios Diagnosis operates a diabetology department that consists of a team of diabetologists, a dietician, a specialized nurse, a cardiologist, a nephrologist, an ophthalmologist and a podologist.
At the diabetology center operates a Diabetology clinic and a Department of prevention of diabetes related cardiac and vascular diseases.
Specialized blood sugar regulation, in every patient depending on their age, their knowledge level and living standard, considering the co-existence of other diseases or risk factors, and the targets that will be jointly set with their doctor. Discussion of the difficult cases at the “Diabetology Council”.
The history, the laboratory tests and the medication are electronically stored in the diabetology card of the patient, so that they can be easily accessed by them.
Specialized nursing staff undertakes the training for the self-monitoring of blood sugar. A special check-up is recommended that can be performed 1 hour before the examination and includes: