


The most advanced Computed Tomography Scanner SOMATOM Definition Flash, made by Siemens

The most advanced Computed Tomography Scanner SOMATOM Definition Flash, made by Siemens, consists the peak of modern technology in multisection computed tomography systems with the fastest spiral scan (280msec) and with a 10 times lower radiation dose compared to conventional CT-scanners.

A 2 x 128 sections cutting-edge technology system, with the uniquely high scanning speed of 0.28 seconds and of a large Gantry 78 cm diameter that transforms even the most difficult examinations to routine ones. Cardiac examinations are performed in less than 1 second, without breath holding, while the scanning of the entire human body does not last more than 5 seconds!

The SOMATOM DEFINITION FLASH scanner has two radiation sources of different energy, allowing for the precise distinguishing of bones, calcifications and tissues. The medical images are of high resolution enabling the imaging even of the tiniest anatomical and functional details, significantly improving the reliability of the diagnosis without any radiation burden.

For the protection of the patient, the innovative technology FLASH SPIRAL / X – CARE is used, which regulates radiation depending on the characteristics of the patient and the type of examination and protects the organs that are radiation-sensitive, such as the breast.

All types of examinations are performed with the use of the CT-scanner, by appointment.

  • CT-scanning in all anatomic regions of the human body. Indicatively: brain, facial skull, petrous bones, cervix, chest, upper and lower abdomen, spinal column, bones and soft tissues.
  • Full Heart Check with the use of CT-scanning, which includes: Coronary CT Angiography, CT Angiography of Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis in the context of pre-operative planning of percutaneous Implantation of Aortic or Mitral Valve, Measurement of Calcium Score of the Coronary Arteries.
  • CT angiography in all of the arterial – venous anatomical system.
  • CT Metrics
  • High Resolution Lung HRCT
  • Ct Pyelogram

Before planning any examination its is necessary that you know that:

  • CT-scanning is an examination which is based on the use of X-rays. Therefore, in the case that there is a possibility of pregnancy or if you are on treatment for In Vitro Fertilization you must inform the secretariat or the specialized personnel of the department.
  • It is necessary to come to the center 20 minutes before the scheduled time for the examination, so that there is time to address procedural issues.
  • More particularly, if you are going to undergo CT-scan of the upper – lower abdomen, you must come to the premises two hours before the examination, so that a special oral solution is administered to you for the best imaging of the intestine during the examination.
  • You should present previous exams and particularly CT-scans or MRI scans for purposes of comparison. In some cases it may be necessary to administer intravenously an iodinated contrast agent in order to outline the internal organs and vessels.
  • In case you have a history of allergic reaction in a previous administration of iodinated contrast (such as in the case of CT-scanning or intravenous pyelogram or coronary angiography or salpingography) or you have a history of multiple allergies, you should inform the secretariat of the department when you schedule the examination so that the appropriate anti-allergic treatment is administered to you.
  • In case your age is over 70 years, it is necessary to present a recent (performed in the last two months) blood urea and creatinine test.
  • The same applies in the case you are diabetic, or you have any kind of problem in your renal function. In case you take the antidiabetic drug Metformin (GLUCOPHAGE, GLUCOSTOP; also available in other preparations), you will have to stop taking the medicine on the day of the examination and two days after the examination.

For any other question you can contact the secretariat of the department.

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