Programs of periodic health check-ups with fast and reliable results, at a low cost for everyone!
“Prevention is better than cure”, as Hippocrates said in ancient times, which is also believed in our days by the World Health Organization.
Prevention is today particularly important for our health and longevity. Diseases that reach epidemic proportions in the Western world, such as heart diseases, diabetes, neoplasia etc., can be promptly diagnosed and treated before the occurrence of irreversible complications, which burden both the patients themselves, and their families, as well as the society.
The purpose of the preventive examination (CHECΚ UP) is to detect possible asymptomatic diseases or risk factors.
The diagnostic laboratory “Asklipios” with respect to modern people and their needs, contributes to preventive medicine, by implementing programs of periodic health check-ups with fast and reliable results, conducted by a qualified human personnel and at a low cost for everyone.