Magnetic Resonance Mammography

Magnetic Resonance Mammography

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Magnetic Resonance Mammography is the most sensitive and accurate test that is today available for the study of breast diseases and, primarily for the detection or the exclusion of cancer.
As is understood by its name, it is performed in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner without the use of harmful radiation.However, the intravenous administration of a special contrast agent is required, which is, in general, particularly safe.

The most common indication for the Magnetic Resonance Mammography, is to detect and clarify suspicious or doubtful findings of Mammography or Breast Ultrasound.


• When there exists in the breast of a woman a clinical suspicion of cancer, but there are no findings in the Mammogram or the Ultrasound scan.

• Other indications for Magnetic Resonance Mammography are the assessment of the outcome of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy which is applied in cases of locally extensive breast cancer, as well when there is a suspicion of a breast cancer residue after a recent surgical operation (lumpectomy). In the last years, more and more often, Magnetic Resonance Mammography is performed in women where cancer has been detected by “classic” Mammography, or by Ultrasound scan, before they undergo surgery. The reason to perform Magnetic Resonance Mammography is to get a clear picture: in order to find out the exact extension of the problem and to rule out, that there are other cancer foci in the same or the other breast. This indication for Magnetic Resonance Mammography regards some categories of women and not all of them.

• Moreover, Magnetic Resonance Mammography is performed for preventive reasons every year in some specific groups of women that have a high possibility to develop breast cancer during their lifetime.

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