October – a month that is dedicated to the prevention, proper diagnosis, treatment and research of breast cancer

October – a month that is dedicated to the prevention, proper diagnosis, treatment and research of breast cancer

Thrombosis is the first cause of death in Greece 

What is thrombosis

It is the formation of a clot (coagulated blood drop) within a vessel (artery, vein), that obstructs the blood flow through the circulatory system.

When a blood vessel is injured, the human body uses the platelets and fibrin to form a clot of blood in order to prevent bleeding. Under the appropriate conditions clots are created without any injury of the vessel (prolonged bed rest, arrhythmias, hypercoagulable states, obesity). A thrombosis has as result the obstruction or full interruption of blood circulation in this vessel.

The first three causes of deaths due to cardiovascular problems are globally due to thrombosis.

· acute myocardial infarction

· cerebral infarction 

· venous thromboembolic disease

Therefore, the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis will lead to the reduction of deaths, the decrease of the overall mortality rates, while, will improve, at the same time, the quality of life.

The “World Thrombosis Day” will help us achieve this target through the prompt informing and awareness of the society:

By decreasing the number of undiagnosed events

By applying evidence-based thrombosis prevention measures 

Vein thrombosis 

It is an insidious disease, that is often complicated with pulmonary embolism. The incidence of the disease increases because the susceptible part of the population and the aggravating factors are also increased. It is a potentially life-threatening condition, with a significant morbidity and mortality (third cause of deaths due to cardiovascular problems) and needs to be immediately medically treated.

Recent studies have shown that many patients are in risk of vein thrombosis because they do not take thromboprophylaxis while risk factors are present, such as the application of elastic compression stockings and, of course, the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Acute myocardial infarction

It regards the occlusion of a coronary artery that supplies blood to the heart, due to a blood clot. Clots are formed in the coronary arteries due to the disruption of a pre-existing atherosclerotic plaque, which is formed by the gradual accumulation of lipids at the walls of the artery. The accumulation of lipids is a process that takes many years and is called atherosclerosis.

Based on data provided by the Hellenic Society of Cardiology, it is remarked that in our country occur 20,000 new myocardial infarctions every year, as well as that the majority of infarctions occurs to smokers of under 60 years of age.

The best way to address properly and promptly possible infarctions is to modify the risk factors.

Cerebral infarction

A dangerous result of thrombosis, in its most common form, the cerebral infarction, is when the blood flow is interrupted in some point of the brain, due to the occlusion of a vessel from a blood clot.

Atrial fibrillation, the most common arrhythmia, regards more than 200,000 people and is a significant cause for the occurrence of a cerebral infarction.

In our country, 30,000 new cerebral infarctions occur every year. It is recommended that preventive tests and examinations are regularly performed, so that we can control the main risk factors (e.g. arterial pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol).

It is therefore understood why the “World Thrombosis Day” was established (13th of October), having as strategic goal the multi-level awareness of people as well as of the Medical World through the coordinated implementation of guidelines of the World Health Organization.

The message is clear and optimistic: Thrombosis can be prevented and the tragic toll of 1,600 deaths every day at a global level can be avoided.